
Fallout shelter ps4 cheats
Fallout shelter ps4 cheats

fallout shelter ps4 cheats

Now we show you how to get this piece of armor that will undoubtedly make your life easier in Fallout 4, to get it we must reach the location shown in the video, once there we will see the armor but the door is locked, to to unlock it you must follow the instructions of the video and that way you will open the door and then return to take the armor and leave there with it on.

fallout shelter ps4 cheats fallout shelter ps4 cheats

In this video we will see all the locations of the medallions that we will get from the red vending machines, in the video it is shown how to get each of the medals in the Nuka World DLC, pay attention and get them all. Now we show you how to get the powerful Nuka-Nuke rocket launcher, to get the first one you must locate the mission to locate Crappy de Sierra, once you get it you can get the rocket launcher without problems, you just have to follow the instructions of the video and it will be yours.

Fallout shelter ps4 cheats